Thursday 14 February 2013

Crystallisation Practical.

We went to the Science laboratory to try carrying out crystallization using Copper(II)Sulfate and comparing the crystals formed in 2 types of cooling: Rapid cooling and slow cooling.

Experimental Process:

1. Boil distilled water.
2. Dissolve Copper(II)Sulfate in the boiling water until a saturated solution is created.

3. Filter the solution if there is any undissolved copper(II)sulfate or any other impure substances.
4. Heat the solution in an evaporating dish until most of the water has evaporated.

5. Transfer half of the remaining solution into a test tube and place it in a beaker filled with cold water, to carry out rapid cooling.
6. For slow cooling, jus leave the remaining solution to cool in room temperature.
7. Observe the crystals formed in the 2 types of cooling:

Crystals obtained from rapid cooling:


Crystals obtained from slow cooling:


Rapid cooling:
  • Crystals are smaller and powdery.
  • Irregularly shaped
Slow cooling:
  • Crystals are larger.
  • Well-defined shapes

Crystals obtained by rapid cooling are fine and irregularly shaped while crystals obtained by slow cooling are large and well-defined.

><>< THE END :) ><><

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